Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, New You

Make this year count. Make this be the year you get to your goal weight, and stay at your goal weight. Make this year be the year you buy that bicycle you always wanted and start riding the trails that you always drive by but never had the courage to actually cycle. Buy the gym membership you have been thinking about or hire the trainer you always wanted. Make time for a manicure and pedicure or the massage you have been putting off but could desperately use. Make time for your family and friends. Leave the office a little earlier than usual, just once in a while. Read the book you have not had time for. Maybe while realaxing in a bubble bath. Buy the designer jeans you love and hang them on your bedroom door so you can see them for a few days. Then wear them. Often. Don't save them for a special occasion. Today is a special occasion. It is the beginning of the new you. By making time and taking time for ourselves we can be better daughters, sons, sisters, brother, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends. Better versions of our ourselves. What happens next? We start to believe how worthy we are and we start to achieve our goals. Happy and healthy new year to all.