Sunday, February 28, 2010

Actions Not Excuses

As with most things in life, it is up to oneself to create the universe they wish to live in. So it goes with weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle. It is easy to pay to join a weight loss program and hope for results. It is easy to stock our refrigerator with all the clean foods to keep us focused. It is great to pay for a gym membership and try to find time to work out. Most times though we need more than hope and trying. We need a plan. A commitment. Often times people feel that their efforts are so strong that they should be losing weight, seeing results. If we are not happy with our own progress it is time to stop and access. Actions, not excuses. If we eat a grain at three meals a day, only drink one bottle of water a day and have four treats, but no nutritious snacks, we may need to look at how we are working our own program and revamp what we are doing. Change our food program. Substitute our morning grain for yogurt with berries. Give up our bread at lunch three days a week and add an additional protein, fruit or vegetable. Commit to three bottles of water a day, instead of only one. We are constantly changing, and growing, and weight loss, as with life, must be looked at and reevaluated from time to time to ensure that even if we are not working at full potential that we are moving in the direction of working at full potential. Small changes, over the course of time, equal big results.