Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Can't Get No

Often times after a meal is complete we still find ourselves searching. Sometimes we are searching for more of the same food, sometimes we want something else. It is important to identify what our body is really telling us and asking for. Are we still physically hungry? If the meal that was just consumed was balanced and eaten over a 20 minute period of time, likely it is appetite, rather than hunger, that is talking to us. So the important tool to learn is to eat foods that we enjoy and that satisfy us and to properly end a meal. Try adding a low calorie or broth based soup to the beginning of a meal. Add a side garden salad with spray dressing. Bulk any meal with an extra serving of vegetables. Add a flavored five calorie beverage. End the meal with a piece of fruit, a 10 calorie jello or a piece of sugar free gum. This will assist us in identifying the completion of a respective meal and will help the mind connect with the stomach. Becoming conscious of our body's true feelings of hunger and appetite can help us to find satisfaction. Someone should let Mick Jagger know.