Sunday, September 19, 2010

Absolutely Attainable

With most things in life, balance and moderation are the keys to success. With weight loss specifically, we must not fall into the mind frame of absolute thinking. We must learn to incorporate the foods we love and make small changes that will lead to big results. Instead of ordering 3 eggs with cheese cooked in oil, request 3 egg whites with vegetables cooked in no calorie cooking spray. Order a turkey burger and a side salad or steamed vegetables and skip the full fat hamburger and french fries. Order whole wheat pasta when dining out for Italian food or brown rice when enjoying Japanese food. Make a home made banana split with low calorie substitutes for the required ingredients. Be creative with your cooking and ordering. It is our efforts, that added up over time, become results. Changing to a can do mentality, one where we believe that we can enjoy food at home and when dining out, and one where we don't have to feel constantly hungry or deprived, is the key to long term healthful living.