Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Thought I Was Doing Everything Right

How many times have you started a new diet or weight loss program only to be upset later that the results were not what you were hoping for? It is important to realize that little details make a big difference. Let's review a few areas that can help us to avoid this let down. First, organic doesn't always mean low fat. There are brands that are all natural, vegan, organic, etc., but may still package foods that are high in fat and calories. Second, certain treats, like frozen yogurt, are not bad for us but only in small quantities. Going up to the counter and ordering a large yogurt with colored sprinkles adds up as far as calories and can steer our weight loss efforts in the wrong direction. Remember, even when ordering a small, the swirl on top adds calories. So account for that in your daily intake of calories. Another area to be aware of is that not all calories are created equal. If you are on a calorie controlled diet or program, 200 calories of chicken are not going to digest the same way 200 calories of ice cream will. I am not saying that ice cream has to be off limits. Rather be mindful to ensure that a larger bulk of your daily intake is from healthful food that the body has an easy time digesting. Also, pay attention to portions and serving sizes. Measuring 2/3 of a cup of cereal, even that yummy high sugar cereal, will not ruin your efforts but just opening the cereal box and pouring may. All foods in moderation coupled with balance and planning equals weight loss success.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so have I been following me around??? :)
    great article really
