Monday, March 22, 2010

Rules To Eat By

It is amazing when one stops to think about what really contributes to weight loss. It isn't all so intense. In fact, it is the basics that can really help us lose weight. Please enjoy a few small tips that I believe contribute to big results.
  • Don't eat two of the same treats in a day. To do this, you must first understand the difference between a snack and a treat. A snack in nutritious. An apple, carrots with hummus, a banana with Better 'n Peanut Butter. A treat is a Vitalicious muffin top, popcorn, 100 calorie ice cream.
  • Assess your hunger. Learn to differentiate between hunger and appetite. Hunger is a physical feeling. It is in your stomach. It may cause dizziness or nausea if not addressed. Appetite is when you finish dinner, the low fat tilapia parmesan was amazing, and you want more. You don't need more, you want more. A good tool for getting through these moments of appetite is committing to an activity for 10 minutes. Laundry, dishes, a phone call, and then if you feel that you truly need more, serve yourself a small portion.
  • Understanding that each meal is not the only time you will have the food you are enjoying. There is always leftovers for lunch or another day that you can enjoy that food. Don't use the excuse that you don't know when you will have it again so you have to eat a lot of it. If you want something enough you will make an effort to cook or buy it again.
  • Hunger can be mistaken for thirst. Be sure to stay hydrated. If you aren't sure what you are in the mood for but are feeling appetite and the need to snack, try pouring a glass of Crystal Light or sparkling water with lime.
  • Be present at events for the company, not the food. Don't forget what you are celebrating or who you are celebrating with.

Becoming consious of your behaviors and habits leads to success. One change at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time.


  1. Hi Jaz,
    Great column. We all need these reminders from time to time. Thanks for taking the time to write and keep us all on track.

  2. Jazmin,
    This was an excellent posting. It was concise and an excellent reminder of so many important things that we sometimes forget.
    Please keep posting it's a big help.

  3. How true this is!!! YOUR AWESOME!!!!
