Sunday, April 4, 2010

Control What You Can Control

There are times in our lives when difficult situations arise that are not anticipated but finding a balance that allows us to maintain our healthy habits is of utmost importance specifically during these times. When feeling like life is out of control, that is the best time to gain extra control over oneself, one of the only things in life that we really have full control over. With so many variables stronger than us as individuals, putting our personal needs first will often help to lessen the stresses that are associated with tough times. Emotional eating as a tool to get through a rough time often results in a negative spiral of out of control eating. This can lead to poor feelings about oneself, thus adding more stress to an already stressful situation. During a trying time it is beneficial to reach out to family and friends, take up a hobby that has always interested you or begin a new work out routine. The journey to healthy living is about much more than the number on the scale. It is about learning who we are, pushing ourselves to be better, training ourselves to be stronger. How we manage ourselves, and the things that are important to us, during difficult times is a true measure of our character.


  1. not true...its definately about the scale!!!!! that is what Jennifer said :)

  2. When things really get tough in any area that you are out of control and eat to the point that makes you unhappy because you don't like the way you feel and look, it can be so over-whelming. The thing that I always thought was so crazy and makes no sense to me, is that when I am out of control and totally hate myself for eating too much and gaining weight, the misery should make me try to stay on a diet or plan, but just the opposite I eat and eat. Why, who knows. The misery and depression is a catch 22. So, what I am trying to say? Jazmine you are so right again. What to do? I reach down deep and pray and read every thing to get me to a strong place. Remember the skills I have learned and tell myself to get over it and get on track. It is never easy, but not being happy is not easy and we must always work to manage our lives (and our eating) so that we feel good about ourselves. It is all attainable and worth it in the end. Put this first...taking care of ourselves and feeling good about ourselves. Get out and walk, shop,phone a friend or relative... anything to delay the feelings that make you eat. Exercise is not only good for the physical, it is life saving mentally. Janbaby

  3. I think that the scale is important, maybe too important in my case, but it is just one tool toward a goal of thoughtful, healthy eating and attaing a healthy weight. It is against the nature of many of us women to put ourselves first in any area. I am trying to accept the fact that if I do that it will help not only me, but all those near to me. Going to WW meetings with Jazmin helps to keep me on track and focused.
