Monday, December 26, 2011

Commit to Being Committed

If there is a main principle that is needed for long term weight loss and weight management, I think anyone who knows me would say that I would say it is planning. Don't get me wrong, planning is key but to really achieve our goals, commitment is the component that will get us to and keep us at our goal. The idea of maintaining a healthy lifestyle cannot be discarded based on one meal or one weekend comprised of poor food decisions or overeating. Our habits and behaviors have to encompass the foundation of a healthy routine to allow for the process of healthy living to become natural. If a dinner party or weekend of travel interferes with our plans for calorie controlled dining, we must make every effort to make the best possible choices while still allowing ourselves to enjoy the experiences we are participating in. If an extra cocktail or a specific dessert is enjoyable to us, we need to plan for fitting them in by making choices throughout the rest of the day or week so that one meal or treat does not derail all of our efforts. Keep in mind that our success is not made up of one meal, one weekend or one weigh in. It is made up of our efforts day in and day out. Recognizing this important principle is the difference between diet and lifestyle.

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