Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It is important to have a plan but equally important is learning how to be flexible with your plan. If you don't have access to your favorite healthy treats improvise. Don't give up and eat outside of your program. If you plan all day to have chicken and brown rice with vegetables for dinner, and you are invited out to dinner at the last minute, order at the restaurant what you would have eaten if you cooked at home. Don't give up and eat outside of your program. It is equally important that you don't miss out on plans, events, parties or celebrations because you are weight managing. You need to find balanace. You have to be able to live your life and let your dietary preferences fit it to your life, not the other way around. In food, and in life, balance is what is important.


  1. Thank you, I needed to read this. You just allowed something to click inside of me! I always find myself excusing the calories for eating out, but eating extremely healthy at home. This post will be a constant reminder for me. Thank you for the insight. Cannot wait for more tips!

  2. Great tips...Just what I needed to read.
    You are a wonderful person, an inspiring leader,
    - a respected guru.
    Thank you,
