Thursday, November 5, 2009


Often I speak to people and they tell me that they know what I am saying. They know that when dealing with food not having a plan does not work. They know that taking bites from other's plates is not a good practice. They know that not being prepared with snacks can lead to mindless eating. Why then, is it still so difficult for many of us to focus on our weight loss and stick to our goals? It is because even the most diet, nutrition and exercise savvy need accountability. Someone to check in with, someone to provide guidance, hope, ideas, motivation. Someone to tell them everything they already know. Do you know any professional athletes that go out everyday into their sport and perform? No because they have a coach. Someone to watch their training tapes with, someone to practice their drills with, someone they can count on, someone they trust. So, even if you know all, or even most, of the answers, it is important to recognize that most of us need a coach. Whether it be in a private forum or a group setting, make yourself a priority and ask for the advice and support you need.

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