Saturday, November 14, 2009

Made to Order

I went to dinner last night. Great restaurant, Ft. Lauderdale. Of course I looked at the menu online before I went. Chopped salad, seasonal vegetables and grilled shrimp. All day I looked forward to the treat of having shrimp that I did not have to clean or cook. I somehow missed it though. Caught up in the idea of grilled shrimp, I didn't continue to study the menu, and I missed the Mediterranean seafood salad. Once at the restaurant this new dinner option was a sure winner. So I asked the waitress how the seafood was prepared. Olive oil, spices, etc. I do not enjoy foods when marinated in olive oil though but the waitress said that they could prepare it dry so I was in. Very excited for all my favorites, shrimp, mussels, calamari. As the waitress walked away I politely asked her to check with the chef whether or not the dish could really be prepared this way. I explained that I would prefer to make another selection than to trouble her by sending it back. Minutes later the waitress returned to share with me that the seafood must be served as listed on the menu. No problem. Original choice of chopped salad, seasonal vegetables and grilled shrimp. By making my needs a priority I was able to enjoy a meal, prepared the way I wanted and still not have to clean dishes. It is about putting yourself first in whatever setting you're in. It is about knowing what works for you, what doesn't and how to politely ask for what you want to keep your weight management on track.

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