Sunday, November 1, 2009

Planning and Choices

I just had an active hour. Grocery shopping for the week but only a small shop. Veggie burgers, fruit, oatmeal, soup, green beans, 20 calorie Creamsicles. Just the items that I consumed during the week that needed replacing. Then home for preparation. Five Tupperware, 40 grams oatmeal. Two with 140 grams frozen banana added. Three left without fruit which will be added as the week goes on. Two Tupperware Amy's Fat Free Split Pea Soup. A good look at the pantry to make sure I am set for the week. I have my Western Alternative Bagels, 100 Calorie Jolly Time Popcorn, Swiss Miss Diet Hot Cocoa. All the necessities. It helps when waking up for work that some of my lunch box for the day is already prepared. It took about an hour, and yes, I wish the portions and items would magically appear in my lunchbox but with that not being a reality I have a choice. I can either spend one hour on a Sunday, making sure I am all set for the week or I can wait until I am at work and scramble. Wait to see what everyone else is ordering, wait to see if there is something I want, like, feel good about choosing. So until they start selling magic lunchboxes, it looks like one hour on a Sunday is not a lot to ask of myself to have a great week full of control.

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